
/Roxanne Bouché Overton

About Roxanne Bouché Overton

Photographer – Author - Speaker Roxanne is a lifelong artist across many mediums including textiles, paints, stained glass, and pottery. About 10 years ago she decided to embrace photography on a more exclusive basis – taking time to explore all of the potential her imagination could conjure. – where you will find more photography and information on my instructional and travel series photography books.
20 11, 2022

ICM – Getting Started

By |2022-11-21T10:35:33-08:00November 20th, 2022|Categories: Art of Photography|0 Comments

Expectations in ICM are very different from traditional photography. The advice – the teaching - is also different. Those of us sharing how to approach ICM to do it differently than traditional photography instructors or group leaders. The process is so very different. I remember being at photography sites like a waterfall in Yosemite, the Mormon [...]

8 02, 2022

Using Lines and Shapes to Compose for ICM Photography

By |2022-02-08T08:55:13-08:00February 8th, 2022|Categories: Art of Photography|Comments Off on Using Lines and Shapes to Compose for ICM Photography

When we shoot blur, we are taking away that element most people rely on when looking at photography – sharpness.  One of my favorite ways to compose ICM shots is using lines and shapes as guides for my movement. They also provide elements of clarity or sharpness that make the image much more relatable than an [...]

13 12, 2021

Critique – A Path To Creating Exceptional Photography

By |2021-12-13T10:39:03-08:00December 13th, 2021|Categories: Art of Photography|0 Comments

Critique - A Path To Creating Exceptional Photography I was given a helping hand at the beginning of my photographic journey. I was taught the value of critique and more importantly, how to use it to advance my skills. It is my compass. My own journey would be less rich without it. And much less successful. [...]

3 02, 2020

Fun with Multiple Exposures

By |2021-05-06T09:06:56-08:00February 3rd, 2020|Categories: How-to Tips|1 Comment

Cameras can capture all kinds of fun and my firm belief is that when we color outside the lines – play and not take things too seriously – we learn. I’ve been hand blending photographs for years. I love taking pictures of a subject from a lot of different angles. This method usually requires that I [...]

17 12, 2019


By |2021-05-06T09:07:05-08:00December 17th, 2019|Categories: Art of Photography|Tags: |0 Comments

Has Instagram ruined or helped photography? Like anything, it depends on who you ask. In my case, the question speaks to high quality photography – not the everyday snapshots which abound ad nauseam.  It used to be that I could pack up my camera and travel near or far and take original photographs. Even if I [...]

16 07, 2019

Think Before You Shoot — Bring Home Photographs You Love

By |2021-05-06T09:07:28-08:00July 16th, 2019|Categories: Art of Photography|2 Comments

Travel photography always creates a sense of urgency in me. When I arrive at a new place I can easily be overwhelmed with awe. Sights, sounds, smells and fatigue all conspire to overpower my brain. My urge is to try and capture it all, and it takes conscious effort to slow down and organize my thoughts. [...]